Економіка і управління
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Перегляд Економіка і управління за Назва
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Результатів на сторінці
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- ДокументAn anticipatory approach to event management in crisis conditions(2022) Rusinova, Olha; Metreveli, LiyaВ статті з метою підвищення стійкості івент-підприємства, ефективності управління змінами та адаптацією до нових умов господарювання в зовнішньому середовищі сформовано програму вирішення проблем управління івент-підприємством в умовах економічної нестабільності, яка складається з ієрархічно послідовних рівнів створення комплексу методів та підходів реалізації функцій управління за слабкими сигналами: моніторингу, оцінки, аналізу та планування. Формування стратегії антисипативного управління івент-підприємством пропонується проводити за рахунок поступової реалізації визначених концептуальних рівнях. Кожний рівень наповнено відповідним до нього забезпеченням у вигляді методів, моделей, інструментів їх реалізації та очікуваних результатів в практиці впровадження на івент- підприємстві. Особливу увагу приділено модельному рівню, де пропонуються моделі, за рахунок яких відбувається реалізація стратегії антисипативного управління івент-підприємством: модель двоетапної ітерації з шумової корекції та встановлення бази відгуку сигналів; модель визначення вразливості івент-підприємства від стану складових потенціалу розвитку;модель оцінки впливу факторів на стабільність процесів розвитку івент-підприємства в антисипативному управлінні; модель оптимізації управлінських рішень в антисипативному управлінні розвитку івент-підприємства за встановленими обмеженнями. Реалізацію запропонованих методів та підходів формування стратегії антисипативного управління івент-підприємства пропонується забезпечити відповідним організаційним та інформаційним забезпеченням, що складає організаційно-практичний рівень стратегії.
- ДокументChallenges of managing cultural projects in the context of economic volatility(2024) Stepanova, T.The article explores and substantiates the challenges of project management in the field of culture in the context of economic instability. This work is aimed at studying not only the impact of crisis phenomena on cultural initiatives and their adaptation, but also the specifics of cultural projects and their contribution to the socio-cultural environment in the context of economic instability. This issue is of particular importance in the context of the events of recent years — the coronavirus pandemic and the full- scale war unleashed by the Russian Federation against Ukraine on February 24, 2022. The cultural sector, having not yet met the challenges posed by Covid-19, has faced even greater challenges in terms of impact and scale — the war and all its consequences. In the context of economic instability, the cultural sphere faces a number of challenges that at best create obstacles for it, and at worst may make its development impossible for a certain period of time. Particular attention should be paid to the problems of managing cultural projects in Ukraine, in particular insufficient funding, which is sometimes carried out on the principle of “residual” funding, when only residual funds from other strategically important areas are allocated to culture. There is also a serious problem of the outflow of qualified personnel, the lack of tangible incentives and encouragement for the creative work of artists and cultural figures, as well as the general «untouchability» of the industry and the lack of support for cultural projects from the state. All these problems, combined with the lack of a deep understanding of the mechanisms of cidtural management, create significant difficulties for the development of culture in Ukraine and limit the industry, forcing it to solve problems and finance its development on its own.
- ДокументCombining forecasting of internal and external crises in the management of industrial enterprise development(2020) Tarasova, H.; Rusinova, O.The paper proves the combination of forecasting internal and external crises provides an industrial enterprise for further development of a strategy under crisis conditions. The proposed models and methods constitute a scientific and methodological approach to forecasting crisis phenomena in the management of industrial enterprise development based on taking into account the characteristics of internal and external crises, which may threaten the industrial enterprise. Using the approach in an industrial enterprise makes possible to identify the threat of various types of crisis phenomena and assess the impact of the crisis on the forecast of sales of industrial enterprises.
- ДокументConcepts of the innovatics of higher education(2022) Romanovskyi, O.; Romanovska, Yu.The purpose of the article is to develop the concept and principles of the scientific direction - innovations of higher education, further development and improvement of innovations of higher education, the definition of directions, and management of innovations in the field of higher education and science. Innovation of higher education studies and summarizes theoretical issues and practice of implementation and management of innovative activities of higher educational institutions, scientific institutions, organizations, and management bodies of the higher education system.
- ДокументCOVID-19 and the food and agriculture sector: issues and policy responses (case of Georgia)(2021) Aroshidze, T.; Aroshidze, P.Ongoing events in the world, which in itself have affected Georgia, have posed challenges to all sectors of the economy and especially to agriculture. agriculture, unlike other fields, requires different approaches. The article focuses on currentsituation of Agriculture in Georgia, findings and assessed risks. The policy pursued by the state should ensure not only the “survival” of the sector, but also its prosperity. Given the acceleration of European integration, which is reflected in free trade with the EU, the selection of the country’s development potential and its development is important. It is necessary to select industries that on the one hand will create material wealth, employ the population and sell products in both local and international markets. The Covid 19 pandemic has created major problems for agriculture, however, it can be said that the problems should become challenges followed by the development of Georgia’s agriculture and integration into the European market. In response to the challenges posed by the pandemic in Georgia and to support farmers, the European Union, in cooperation with FAO and the Ministry of Environment and Agriculture of Georgia, has announced grant co-financing programs. Various measures were taken within the framework of the Rural and Agricultural Assistance Package of the Government of Georgia Anti-Crisis Plan. An agricultural anti-crisis plan and related programs have been adopted.The proposed anti-crisis plan as a whole provides for the recovery of the sector from the crisis, but we believe that it is necessary to take various measures, such as not only bringing agri culture out of the crisis, but also creating the necessary conditions for Georgia to provide itself with the minimum of current agriculture. An important factor in the anti-crisis plan should be the implementation of a policy that will accelerate its integration into the European market.
- ДокументCreativity – the main way to overcome the economic crisis caused by the Covid-19(2022) Dzvelaia, V.In the XXI century, world industrialized countries are developing innovatively and special attention is given to a person with creativity and non-standard thinking. The most important factor included in the national wealth (human assets, natural treasure and industrial capital) is human potential taking 75% in developed countries and 25% in Georgia. In a globalized world, under high competitive environment, technologies and information can be duplicated and only humans and his/her creative capacity appear unique. That’s why creativity is considered to be the strongest weapon for the development of economics. Therefore, studying the said matter is very important and topical, especially in the current pandemic environment as only a group of creator and thinker persons will be able to get out of our country’s economic crisis by correct decisions and complex activities and find the right vector for the development. Innovative factors of competitiveness of human capital play a leading role in the contemporary economical system. The creation and implementation of innovations are connected with intellectual capital, which is a basic element in human capital. Creativity or the ability to create new knowledge is the main component for not only a person and company, but national economics. This topic has gained a special actuality in the pandemic environment; not only in Georgia, but the whole world has faced strange and new virus, which caused health problems and stopped the world economics. Right and timely steps are necessary to take against it, which means to use not old methods and experience, but implement non-standard activities as the pandemic itself is new and there were now ways against it established in the practice. It differs from all other economical collapses, known for the world so far.
- ДокументDevelopment of the resource potential of agribusiness processing enterprises(2021) Gudz, I.; Rubanik, V.The relevance of the study of the essence and structure of the resource potential of agribusiness enterprises has been determined. As a result of the conducted research on the meaningful filling of the structure of the resource potential of agribusiness enterprises and the peculiarities of its formation in modern conditions, approaches to its structuring were developed and a model of the formation of the resource potential of the enterprise was proposed, which contains production, labor, financial and innovative resources that receive development at the level of enterprise potential management. Based on the systematization and generalization of approaches to assessing the resource potential of agribusiness enterprises, which is manifested in the choice of the resulting indicator, the methodology for assessing the resource potential of agribusiness enterprises has been improved. The article proves that the activity of agribusiness enterprises in the conditions of dynamic changes and increased competition is determined by their existing resource potential and its correspondence to market opportunities. The successful development of the enterprise is the result of the implementation of a strategy based on the use of the resource potential of the enterprise. How dynamically the enterprise will develop and respond to modern challenges depends on the quality of available resources.
- ДокументDigital transformation in automobile manufacturing: impact on business development strategy, challenges and prospects(2023) Skliarenko, Olena; Tarnavskyi, AndriiIn recent years, digital transformation has become a key driver of change and innovation in many industries, including automobile manufacturing. Digital technologies are transforming every aspect of competitiveness and the automotive value chain, from the development of electric and autonomous vehicles to the implementation of advanced analytics and robotics. This transformation is not just affecting the way cars are designed, built, and sold, but it is also changing the way companies approach business development and strategy formation. The digital transformation of the automotive industry has brought about significant changes in the way business is conducted, leading to increased efficiency, productivity, and revenue. However, there are also challenges that arise from this transformation, such as cybersecurity risks and the need for new skill sets. In today’s world, where the automotive industry continues to grow rapidly, it is important to understand the impact of digital transformation and the Internet of Things (IoT) on business development strategies and the economy. These issues are considered in this article. The authors analyzed the impact of digital transformation and the Internet of Things on the auto motive industry, as well as explored potential solutions to the problems that arise in connection with this transformation.
- ДокументDIGITAL рішення для управління проєктами та бізнес-процесами в умовах сучасних викликів(2021) Скляренко, О. В.; Федік, О. І.; Колодінська, Я. О.Сучасні виклики для бізнесу і економіки, обумовлені пандемією COVID-19, не просто суттєво вплинули на більшість галузей економіки та суспільного життя, а й призвели до значних внутрішніх трансформаційних процесів, без яких подальше функціонування окремих галузей вже складно уявити. Таку точку зору висловлюють багато аналітиків, в тому числі і цілий ряд старших партнерів компанії McKinsey у спеціальному виданні «The future of business: Reimagining 2020 and beyond» зазначили, що криза COVID-19 спричинить суттєві трансформації цілих індустрій протягом найближчих 12-18 місяців. На нашу думку, одним з найважливіших викликів сучасності є пошук балансу між забезпеченням стабільного функціонування бізнес-процесів та безпекою персоналу компанії, тобто мінімізація кількості випадків інфікування працівників в процесі виконання службових обов’язків. Відповідно, компанії матимуть справу з необхідністю перебудови раніше усталених підходів до організації роботи співробітників. Очевидно, що виникає необхідність у впровадженні певного типу роботи, що буде поєднувати віддалену роботу працівників та періодичне відвідування офісу.
- ДокументEnvironmental management and audit as a basis for the sustainable development of the business environment(2022) Amber, ArthurУправління сталим розвитком підприємств у сучасних умовах є надзвичайно актуальним напрямом наукових досліджень і має особливе значення для представників бізнес-середовища. Стаття присвячена системі екологічного менеджменту та аудиту в бізнес-середовищі. У ній зазначено, що система екологічного менеджменту та аудиту є одним із найефективніших інструментів підвищення екологічної ефективності діяльності підприємств та державного контролю у сфері охорони навколишнього природного середовища. Викладений матеріал базується на глибинному аналізі наукового доробку з даної проблематики. Особливу увагу було приділено аналізу міжнародних стандартів серії ISO 14000 та Європейської схеми екологічного менеджменту та аудиту (EMAS). Будь-який проєкт, який претендує на успішне започаткування та реалізацію, потребує перегляду та аналізу. Система екологічного менеджменту та аудиту є важливою перевагою інвестування в Україну, що дозволяє передбачати та запобігати потенційним ризикам. Враховуючи, що EMAS є частиною чинного законодавства ЄС, а Україна є кандидатом на членство в ЄС з 23 червня 2022 р., у статті запропоновано заходи щодо створення ефективної системи екологічного менеджменту та аудиту.
- ДокументFeatures of application of investment potential assessment methods for enterprises(2024) Gudz, Iurii; Shelest, ОlegThe article describes the main methodical approaches to the evaluation of the innovation potential of enterprises. The classification of the methods of evaluation of the innovation potential is proposed. The advantages and disadvantages of the existing methods are determined. A critical analysis of their application in practice was carried out. A method of assessing the innovative potential of enterprises is proposed. The system for evaluating the indicators of the innovative potential of a processing enterprise is considered as an integral set of available and hidden resources, stocks, and opportunities that can be revealed under the conditions of interaction and interdependence of balanced subsystems and elements. It is proven that the method of assessing the innovative potential of the enterprise should be practical, flexible, based on available mathematical apparatus and correspond to the modern development of the innovative activity of domestic enterprises. It is suggested that innovative potential should be considered as a complex and multifactorial phenomenon in the development of the enterprise, ensuring its competitiveness. In this regard, the further improvement of theoretical and methodological approaches to the evaluation of the innovative potential of processing enterprises is of great importance.
- ДокументFeatures of the use of financial indicators when conducting the diagnostics of the economic security of the enterprise(2023) Khlystun, O. S.; Kovalev, O. M.; Donets, O. V.Diagnostics of the economic security of enterprises is proposed in the article using indicators of liquidity, capital structure and the efficiency of using cash flows. In order to generalize the results of diagnostics of the economic security of enterprises, it is proposed to determine indices of the financial condition and efficiency of the use of cash flows of the enterprise. It is proposed to interpret the results of diagnostics of the economic security of enterprises using the matrix «financial condition, efficiency of activity», which is a tool for justifying management decisions on financial management. To carry out financial diagnostics, it is proposed to combine ratio analysis and the method of calculating the company’s cash flows. The article provides formulas for determining indicators that reflect the financial condition of the enterprise and the effectiveness of the use of cash flows from operational and financial activities in its activities. Alternatives of the enterprise in the process of strengthening the financial condition and increasing efficiency are described. In order to generalize the results of the diagnosis of the financial condition, it is proposed to define indices that reflect the financial condition and efficiency of the enterprise. It is proposed to interpret the results of diagnostics of the financial state of the enterprise using the «financial state-efficiency of activity» matrix, the practical application of which allows to ensure the gradual development of the enterprise without deterioration of its financial state.
- ДокументFormation of the management system of organizational communications of medical institutions(2024) Bugaichuk, М. S.The article analyzes the existing features and problems of the organizational communications management system in the medical field. Based on the possibility of using a functional approach to the formation of the system of organizational communications of medical institutions is substantiated, by determining the stages, the implementation of which is possible based on developed powers, competencies and responsibilities for the spheres of execution of communication processes by employees and managers of the medical institution, which will ensure the avoidance of contradictions between the goals of functional units, will contribute to increasing transparency of activity, management flexibility and active cooperation of medical workers. The organizational structure is substantiated and the increase in the role of the subject attitude towards employees on the part of the heads of medical institutions, the increase in responsibility for the result and its differentiation according to the level of authority or the level of the employee's contribution to the production process is determined. Requirements for basic knowledge, skills and communication skills of medical workers are given. The practical implementation of the chosen approach to improve the formation of the organizational communications system of medical institutions can be successful under the conditions of achieving consistency between the goals, the strategy: of the medical institution, the strategy: of communication management and organizational culture.
- ДокументImproving the level of corporate culture at the expense of the motivational component(2022) Maistrenko, Y.; Danchek, N.In the article, the level of corporate culture has been improved due to the motivational component. It has been proven that the social policy at the enterprise should be aimed at meeting the needs of employees in high-quality work and creating the most favorable conditions for its implementation with the involvement of all employees in the development and evaluation of the implementation of theplan for the social development of the enterprise. Due to which, the dual goal of employee motivation is achieved: their involvement in social policy is realized and trust in its implementation increases as a result of evaluation of the obtained results directly by employees. To assess the level of satisfaction of employees’ needs in normal working conditions, including the microclimate in the team, an evaluation apparatus is proposed, which is a tool for the implementation of social policy aimed at improving the quality of employees’ work. Due to the use of special bilateral questionnaires, employees are attracted to participate in the formation of social policy and in the assessment of the results of its implementation.
- ДокументIntegrated educational space: current issues(2020) Kovalchuk, E. D.; Drashkovtsi, А. А.; Shymko, О. V.In the article has considerations regarding current issues of the modern educational process. It is stated that the actual challenge for the modern educational process is processing, structuring, storage, and presentation of educational material to distant learning and virtual academic mobility. It is emphasized that the organization of the educational process in the form of distance learning and virtual academic mobility requires the development of cognitive teaching methods, situations, and tasks aimed at developing mental and professional activity of students and requires the institution of higher education significant restructuring of educational algorithms. The fact is that in today’s world integrated education takes place in the greater educational space, the educational process significantly registers the role and place of independent work of students. Moreover, the importance of independent work tends to increase, because in the system of requirements for highly qualified specialists, much attention is paid to their ability to navigate in the technological and information flow and the desire to constantly improve their professional level. The article states that traditional forms and methods of independent work of students are now subject to serious and generally fair criticism, but modern methods of diagnosing knowledge, skills and abilities in the process of independent learning are just beginning to develop, and Ukraine lags far behind European countries. Modern education is faced with the urgent need to interact with the possibilities of ultra-fast access to information, and the emphasis of learning will shift towards its accelerated and creative processing. Instead of mechanical memorization and remembering, the transition to learning cognitive techniques becomes relevant: search, systematization, analysis, comparison, generalization and synthesis of new knowledge. Modernity requires education to learn cognitive skills that were previously possessed only by professional researchers.
- ДокументInvestment management as an important component of the economic security of the state in the context of the development of financial leasing(2024) Breus, S. V.; Denysenko, М. Р.; Prutyla, Ye. М.The purpose of the article is the theoretical justification and development of practical- recommendations for investment management as an important component of the economic security of the state in the context of the development of financial leasing in the conditions of a fi dl-scale war and in the period of post-war economic recovery! of Ukraine. The scientific results obtained in the research process are based on a number of general scientific and special methods that serve as confirmation of their reliability.
- ДокументManagement of resource provision of economic activities of agribusiness enterprises(2022) Gudz, I.The article is devoted to topical issues of resource provision as the main factor in the efficiency of the agribusiness enterprise. The importance of timely provision of the agribusiness enterprise with the necessary resources of agricultural production in the necessary assortment and quality was emphasized. The main tasks, functions, goals and principles of resource provision of agribusiness enterprises are systematized. It has been proven that the timeliness of identifying problems with the resources of enterprises, their analysis and control will ensure the formation of the competitiveness of the managing entity of agribusiness and compliance with the goals of internal business processes and can be deeply integrated with each of them. Attention is focused on the economic importance of resource provision as a basis for the development of an agribusiness enterprise. The importance of the rational organization of resource provision of the agribusiness enterprise is emphasized, which is a key factor in increasing the profit and profitability of the business entity. The theoretical and practical provisions of the resource provision of the agribusiness enterprise are considered. It was determined that achieving the desired financial results of an agribusiness enterprise cannot be achieved without the formation of a management mechanism for resource provision of the business entity. It is proven that when forming the components of resource provision of agribusiness enterprises, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that these selected factors must correspond to the corresponding strategy of the firm. Interdependent formation of material resources of agribusiness enterprises together with innovative potential will create additional economic advantages, which are more effective use of the aggregate resource potential.
- ДокументMethodology basis of economic modelling(2021) Kotenok, A.The paper considers the methodology for modelling economic processes. Economic modelling is the construction of a simplified image of an economic system for studying its properties, forecasting, planning and conducting scenario calculations of the consequences of managerial decisions. The model of the economic system is a reproduction of the interrelated elements of the social and economic environment, the processes of their interaction and functioning, response to environmental changes. Among the main classes of models are econometric, neural network, simulation models, computable general equilibrium models. Each approach is characterized by its own methodology, functionality, purpose. The paper explores the features, advantages and limitations of each approach in terms of modelling economic processes at the micro and macro levels of the economic system. Models of the macroeconomy have gotten quite sophisticated. Such models have also become indispensable tools for monetary policymakers, useful both for forecasting and comparing different policy options. Models in microeconomic theory cover the main models of modern microeconomic theory. The article presents models of an economic agent, abstract models of preferences, choice, and decision making under uncertainty. In general, any activity requires a longer action often characterized by a degree of uncertainty, uncertainty, terms of size of the objective pursued. Because of the complexity of real economic systems, the stochastic dependencies between different variables and parameters considered, not all systems can be adequately represented by a model that can be solved by analytical methods and covering all issues for management decisions analysis-economic horizon real. Often in such cases, it is considered that the simulation technique is the only alternative available.
- ДокументPeculiarities and ways of improving personnel management in medium and small enterprises(2023) Maistrenko, Yuliia; Suprun, YuriyThe article is devoted to the research and highlighting of modern approaches to personnel management as the main component of ensuring the effective functioning of medium and small enterprises. The essence and functions of personnel management in medium and small enterprises were studied. Peculiarities of personnel management are determined. In particular, the positive and negative aspects of working with personnel in medium and small enterprises were analyzed. It has been proven that the construction of a personnel management system in medium and small business organizations has its own patterns and problems, which are in many ways different from the personnel management systems of large organizations. Personnel management of medium- sized and small enterprises should be aimed, first of all, at ensuring the effectiveness of personnel activities, as well as tools for its support, taking into account the limitations of such businesses. The practical implementation of the proposed measures to improve the personnel management system can be successful under the conditions of achieving compliance between the goals, enterprise management strategy, personnel management strategy, and organizational culture.
- ДокументQuantitative evaluation of the possibility of European integration of post-soviet countries(2020) Pavlenko, I.; Salli, V.The subject of this article is the analysis of integration processes at an interstate level and within individual business groups, as well as the economic links of all participants in market relations which provide real opportunities for a more intensive movement of capital into new, highly efficient, at the same time more risky markets. The aim is to explain the principles of re-evaluating the investment attractiveness and the level of safety of many quite cost-effective capital investment options. The effectiveness of the decision made will depend on which of the possible situations in the external environment will actually take place. Fundamental to this approach is the ability to make the most out of the resources that the country possess - minerals. infrastructure, labor resources, etc., since ultimately this will determine the degree of its efficiency, its internal order. The rate of the stability of the system, the expectedness and predictability of its development are characterized by the concept of entropy. The principal of this approach is that the following is used as initial data: the volumes of transit traffic, the capacities of the enterprises being created, the volumes of the alienated territories. To adjust the parameters, the indicators related to the creation of new jobs and labor productivity for each analyzed investment program were used. At the same time, the investment risk is measured by the absolute value of possible losses in monetary terms. Accordingly, options for the development of external conditions are assigned, alternatives for tackling an issue are set and the effectiveness of each alternative and risks in various conditions should be determined. An important aspect of this approach is the ability to identify areas of high and absolute risk. This study confirms the following hypothesis. The potential for an export and raw material development of the economies of the post-Soviet countries has been exhausted, nevertheless, they have the opportunity to obtain strategic benefits from the current situation based on the stable world demand for provision, creating conditions for the rational directing resources into promising industries with the aim of developing industrial and post-industrial sectors in the country’s economy.